• Spiritual Direction

    Lorie received her certification in Spiritual Direction from Sustainable Faith’s International School of Spiritual Direction and takes a limited number of directees each month.

    Because of her own experience with chronic illness both as a patient and a parent, Lorie is particularly passionate about working with people in difficult seasons of life who find themselves needing to experience God but are having difficulty doing so. Her deepest desire it to help people suffer well and in a way that is transformative and draws them TO God rather than AWAY from him.

    Spiritual direction is a form of pastoral care in which the entire focus of your time with your director is on your personal relationship with God and his activity in your life. The practice is not limited to Christianity and can be entered into by people of any faith or spirituality.

    Counseling Page Bio

What is Spiritual Direction?

  • knowing versus knowing about

    Many people find that they know a lot ABOUT God, but they’ve struggled to “get” having a relationship WITH him. Spiritual direction can help begin, grow, and continually nurture that relationship in a way that impacts all areas of your life.

  • getting out of God's way

    Unlike counseling, in spiritual direction, when you meet together GOD sets the agenda—regardless of what you’re bringing to the session that day—and the intention is to “hold space” for you to be present to and engaged with God in a meaningful way with whatever you’ve brought to the table. The goal of the director, therefore, is not to “direct” as we traditionally understand the term but to be attuned to God’s agenda, position you to experience God, and then get out of the way.

  • a companion for the journey

    This takes place, practically speaking, in confidential one-hour sessions one to two times a month with someone trained to accompany others in an intentional way through this very important journey.

  • what is God up to?

    What this really looks like, a lot of the time, is just being quiet together and listening. Asking questions. Being curious. Noticing. Being OPEN. Taking a few risks. Embracing discomfort. Learning to see God at work in ALL things. Connecting with your deepest God-given desires. Sensing what God’s ALREADY up to in YOUR life, personally, and learning how to deeply cooperate with him.

  • how i know if it's working

    Successful spiritual direction would look like, then, coming to know God and self in such a way that you experience a growing sense of intimacy with and experience of the Lord and of his rich, formational work bearing good fruit in your life.

The best teachers are those who tell you where to look, but do not tell you what to see.

—Alexandra K Trenfor